Well, my daughter got one of those ipod touch things for her b-day a couple of weeks ago. All excited, she had me download some movies and game apps. Well, I guess one of the apps requires a connection to the internet, and the only way that can happen is thru a wi-fi connection. Being as ignorant as a Jethro can be on the subject, I have just concluded about 3+ hours here on the net trying to figure out what is what. I have come to the conclusion that I want a 'n' router, actually, this is the one I am considering:
but I am wondering if this will be what I need so she can connect and play her game or whatever the fuck it is. My son has a Xbox 360 in his room that he is interested in being able to download movie & games and use that Xbox live card(s) he has had for awhile now. Finally, I am interested in also connecting our Wii using wi-fi to be able to stream NetFlix thru to our TV. As of now, that is everything, but the possibility for future upgrades, such as laptops and/or blu-ray player netflix/blockbuster/hulu streaming is possible should I ever have a need to buy such things.
This is what I have currently and how I have it connected:
Cable Modem (obviously) with a Vonage adaptor connected to it for phone service (we have no cell phones) and the computer connected to the Vonage adaptor.
My question(s) is this; what do I do? I feel fortunate enough to be able to have connected what I do. I'm a lineman, not an installer that has done this. I know it can't be too difficult since installers do this all the time, but if one has never done it before, or even seen it done before, that makes things a bit more complicated the first time out. So if someone here could help me out, step by step, I would certainly appreciate it and make a daddy look like a hero in his daughters eyes, and one smart mofo in his wifes eyes. Thanks for any help I can get.