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Re: could use some start up help

I admire the fact that you want to get started in the business. There seem to be several key things that you have not talked about and I will go through them. First of all it is not that unusual for a start up company to get a sub position on a project but being new there are a lot of pitfalls you can run into. I would look for an experienced manager who has a proven track record of success in mdu work and hire him or her to help run the project. It sounds like you don't have capital to work from so you may need to give up a % of the profit to get a good manager but it will be worth the experience to spend a little up front rather then to loose it all.Next you are working on MDU's that are considered a commercial building and will require a state low voltage licence and class A general contractors license at the least. And if anyone tells you you can work under the primes license they are wrong talk to the state licensing board where your are working they will tell you what you need. Also when it comes to insurance you need to consider that you are working on many residential addresses by working on one and an accident like a fire could result in many claims not just one so talk with your insurance agent and make sure you are covered properly.Building permits may be required make sure the prime or MSO is responsible and that you are nit required to pull and pay for any permits. Finances are a big key to success Your prime is 3 weeks out this is actual a month when you consider you work a week before your first invoice. Go back to your prime and talk some more, many primes will pay one or 2 weeks out for a % of invoice 2% is customary for 2 weeks out and 3% for one week out. Also see if your prime will work with a factoring company like eagle capitol. This could allow cash flow on the same day the invoice is submitted and allow you to be more flexible. And this also gives you a collection agent for your billing.Last, what ever you think it will take to operate for the first month double it and make sure you are more prepared because there will always be unexpected costs associated with a new project.
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Posted in reply to: could use some start up help by hatefully
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: could use some start up help JPFucci 10/22/2011 8:03:55 PM
Re: could use some start up help Michael D 10/2/2011 11:28:21 AM
Re: could use some start up help High Splicer 7/12/2011 1:27:05 PM