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Re: could use some start up help

Totally agree with Cablepro222000.... You are going to find out once you get to the job (hopefully its not cross country) that there is more to the contract than just showing up and going to work.  You or your guys will need badged in most cases with the MSO.  Some companies will not allow contractors work their plant if they have it would be good to know that all your help can pass. 

Dont forget the R word....retainage!  Some will hold some of that cash (2-5%) to cover if you bail from the job, or if you have gigs that you cant get back to.  Chances are, there is a 5 year hold on your retainage....dont bank on seeing any of that money ever.

Like cablepro said, you will work a week....invoice....then wait a month before payment.  Thats a pretty quick turnaround, i wouldnt bank on that either...more like 45 to 60 days, and bet that it wont be for the entire invoice amount...there is always something you will get gigged for or some other BS. 

It would be in your best interest to buy a good scanner and scan everything.  You get a phone call from your prime, follow up with an email regarding the conversation, even if you are just gonna call them back.  Your level of paranoia should triple....keep in mind, your prime will do their best to get you to do free work that they can bill for. 

Good Luck
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Posted in reply to: Re: could use some start up help by cablepro222000
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Re: could use some start up help dfwdtv 7/12/2011 2:38:18 PM