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Re: Satellite Guides?

The website is

A very short sighted comment by Joe and the usual bias against MasTec shown on this forum. If you are hired in house, you are an in house tech. If you go to work for a sub contractor, you are a sub contractor tech. It's a pretty easy concept.

I would have to argue that a van, gas card, and phone ARE company benefits. Considering that as a sub contractor you absorb all costs yourself. MasTec also offers many other benefits as a company that are very competetive and reflective of the culture that the upper management at MasTec is trying to establish.

To the unfamiliar the so called "Past" issues with MasTec are exactly that, in the past. This line of work is not for everyone. The piece work model is a very difficult model to work under for the un-driven technician. And by the way, every in house technician is guranteed minimum wage. Technicians who work more than 40 hours are also paid time and a half for all hours worked. The "Piece Rate" model ultimately determines what the technician earns above and beyond minimum wage. For the prospective technician who knuckles down and learns the trade stands to make a lot of money. It's the un-driven technicians who get into this industry that, more often than not, end up getting the minimum wage supplement because their piece work rate and number of work orders closed were not commensurate with the amount of hours worked.

C'mon people! There are bad apples in every organization. However those apples tend to rot and disappear before they are allowed to spoil the bunch. If this truly is a "Forum" then lets address both sides, rather than maintain the narrow minded viewpoints that are currently being expressed.

I challenge anyone to provide proof of their accusations against MasTec rather than make token comments that are unsubstantiated.
This is posting #329649. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Satellite Guides? by EshoreJoe
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Satellite Guides? etiner 6/24/2011 11:11:39 AM
Re: Satellite Guides? dfwdtv 6/23/2011 5:15:26 PM
Re: Satellite Guides? audioswami 6/23/2011 4:36:11 PM