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Re: Satellite Guides?

Kinda have to agree with Satfiend, I'm sure i'll get nasty PMs and reply's, but the short time I worked with Mastec as a sub, I saw very few pay issues, yes there are charge backs for trouble calls, some maybe BS, but that's the case in any company (cable or satellite). in 8 months I never saw a single charge back for OTG, and most of the supervisors were more than willing to work with me, than against me, and I was the manager, so I saw all the invoices, charges, most all the issues came thru me before it went down to the techs. Thats not saying there are no issues, but any company the size of Mastec will always have issues, its never perfect.
Never argue with idiots, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
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Posted in reply to: Re: Satellite Guides? by SatFiend
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Re: Satellite Guides? audioswami 6/23/2011 5:41:34 PM