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There must be a better way

 I read all these threads about how satellite pay models do not work.  As an owner I feel a responsibility to my techs and I want to see them properly provided for but I also need to make a reasonable return on my investment and risk.   I have a certain percentage of every dollar that I can afford to pay out for labor, vehicle, materials etc.   Frankly It doesn't much matter to me how I pay it as long as I don't exceed it.  My preference would be to pay it out in a manner that best serves the technician.   By far the smallest percentage is my profit which is a before tax number.    As a tech what do you see as the best way of compensating.....1099, W2 or do you have any other ideas that match the needs of the Tech and the Company?
This is posting #327128. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: There must be a better way davisgo 5/14/2011 9:19:41 AM
Re: There must be a better way dishabuse 5/12/2011 11:08:34 PM
Re: There must be a better way Nightlife1970 5/12/2011 7:21:00 PM