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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This

 While your argument may sound reasonable, you have made my point!  The major reason why a middleman(Prime) exists is to baby-sit the hacks/unqualified pretenders which vastly outnumber the QUALIFIED(not to be confused with "good") Techs/Installers.  If you've been in the game long enough, you can walk into any Prime's "shop" take a look around and figure out very quickly that 90% of the people there aren't qualified to  mop the floor.  Let me move on to one of your points on "License" and "Insurance" and so on.  If you believe for one second that a Prime will use its insurance to cover anything you did, then I've got beach-front property in Nevada you might be interested in.  That is why you the "contractor" has to have all the same "insurances" and "licenses(which very few if any ever have including the Prime's themselves) as the Prime.  I mean no disrespect but let's call it how it is:  A Prime is a CONVENIENT means for the MSO, not a NECESSITY.  Now I speak from personal experience when I say the following:  The majority of the MSO's have several "facilities" located throughout their footprint.  The argument that 300 techs would be running around savagely from one site is mute.  With the "facilities" positioned according to geographic need, those 300 savages are now managed down into groups of 50-75 at most.  Now that "contractor liaison" from the MSO has an easier time managing right?  Get the picture?  I don't want to go on too much.  While I agree with what you say is the "norm" and reality of today, it still leaves my question unanswered.
This is posting #295028. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Independant Contractor? Read This by RadioMan
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Independant Contractor? Read This RadioMan 3/10/2010 7:30:33 PM
Re: Independant Contractor? Read This bartscott 3/10/2010 6:08:28 PM