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A new meaning!!!!!

I think one of my techs found a new meaning to Trailer park trash. (not to be derogatory or sound racial) This guy and his family lived in a single wide trailer with dogs and cats. There were at least 8 people including 2 little kids living in this trailer along with the dogs and cats. My tech got there early so just about everyone was asleep and the customer was at work. When he walked in he noticed dog and cat poop all over the floors and the stench of urine (animal urine). Now, get this, The family was sleeping on the floor with this stuff right by them. My tech had to step over people and poop to do his job. (I bet you are asking why didn't he leave, I would have) A couple in one of the bedrooms woke up fighting and my tech was ready to leave, but when he called me to advise that he was walking this job they left. One more little bit of info, one of the babies had a bottle drop to the floor and before the parent picked it up, a dog and been chewing on it trying to get the milk. The parent still asleep reached down, grabbed to bottle, and put the bottle back in the baby's mouth. They also had an older man that was bed ridden and per tech seemed to be a little retarded. When my tech went out to run the cables he noticed bedpans on the back porch, full. the customer had ordered 3 rcvrs but only had 2 on site. Tech advised me that he would only run the 2 he had there and that was it, he was leaving. Now, if there is poop inside the trailer what do you think is outside the trailer. It was a mine field. By the time the tech had activated the system everyone had left except of course the older man.
What would you have done? My tech had driven 80 miles for 2 jobs, this being one of them. Would you have walked? Also concerning the kids, would you call cps on them or have it on your conscience?
Let me know what you would do in this situation!
This is posting #254308. Tiny Link:
There are 10 replies to this message
Re: A new meaning!!!!! cableguy24 5/18/2009 8:44:21 PM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! polkster 5/16/2009 11:49:53 AM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! Green is Good 5/14/2009 9:02:49 PM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! LocoDawg 5/14/2009 8:13:38 PM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! sab3r 5/14/2009 7:55:33 PM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! gkgk070707 5/14/2009 7:45:13 PM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! superlinedog 5/14/2009 7:02:17 PM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! cablchik 5/14/2009 6:06:18 PM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! rookiecableguy 5/14/2009 11:16:56 AM
Re: A new meaning!!!!! Dvr Catv 5/14/2009 11:07:43 AM