sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me. I have a great respect for native americans as well. full native americans not these idiots that want to be native america and look like an hispanic. Look dude I wasn't spreading nothing hear and will be around for a while. so F U get used to it. I am not here to try and change any views. what makes you think he would want to be your nigga? by the sounds of it you aren't on his level on intelligence. I don't call it a race card but if that is how you racist cover up the argument of black and white cause there is no brown then go ahead. Like Gwester said i have seen all of the bottom of the barrel on my first day, you included. Don't worry I am just entertaining all you miscreants. I figured I should make all the scum aware of my views and I would find out who to take serious. And by the way if I was to go anywhere it would not be europe. And no, public education is lying to our children about the reallity of everyday life. They skim through the civil rights movement. Later!
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