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I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG!

You know the dog next door that barks constantly... Will drive you nuts... Barks when the wind blows... Barks at falling leaves... Barks just cause it can.... Barks at me when I open my back door to let my non-barking Husky out.... Barks, Barks enough to drive a LocoDawg Wild! So I did the only rational thing a Man that does not want to shoot a DOG could do... Yep! Thats Right! I called Animal Control in the Hope that they would not take me in instead! Seriously this is true and happened today. The animal control woman much larger than me I mean this Woman was in Charge! Out weighed me by at least 80 lbs... Not fat just Big! I told her the issue of the dog and she proceeded over to my neighbors house.... I thought that the problem was solved as she told me she would issue a Nuisance Complaint.... Did not happen! I heard a extremely loud incessant pounding on the glass of my front door... I thought that it was the Big Man next door... Went to the door and looked out saw the Animal Control standing a good 15 feet from my front door telling this crazy little Hormonal women to back off and calm down.... It was my neighbors wife that had had a baby two days before screaming and cussing me... I looked at the distance that the Animal Control Person gave Her and did a quick assessment of the situation! I calmly opened the door and got Dawg cussed like never before! Animal control left and the Woman came back beating my glass door again! I thought the glass was going to break! I didn't open the door at first until she started screaming 'Coward!' More Cussing!Then I opened it and told her to 'Calm down! What are you doing to Yourself? What you are doing is not Healthy for you!... ' Calm Down" She muttered 'Don't I know it' And left... Just wait till her husband and I have a MAJor talk! He hid in their house the whole time! S.O.B.
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There are 12 replies to this message
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! washburn1964 1/13/2009 9:25:20 PM
Remedy for that problem MickyJ 12/21/2008 10:39:00 PM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! SpeedLasher 12/21/2008 5:47:00 PM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! cabledog 12/21/2008 5:37:00 PM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! oldlinedawg 12/21/2008 1:58:00 PM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! Midwest Splicing 12/21/2008 12:57:00 PM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! Gwester843 12/21/2008 10:29:00 AM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! uknowme2 12/21/2008 12:36:00 AM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! drifterdawg 12/21/2008 12:10:00 AM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! cabledad 12/20/2008 11:42:00 PM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! dshdwg 12/20/2008 8:50:00 PM
Re: I Cannot Stand an Incessant Barking DOG! redrocker80 12/20/2008 8:23:00 PM