I'm the type of tech that needs to know the answer to every issue. This wastes a lot of my time but makes me knowledgeable. Anyway, I've been to different houses in the last few weeks and realized the same issue at each. When I get to the house the modem is offline. I check signal at the back of the modem and channel 2 is -17 dBmv. If I go to the back of a TV set off of the same splitter and check signal I get +3 dBmv on channel 2. I go back to the modem and signal is good (+3 dBmv on channel 2). This is without me touching the splitter. I reboot the modem and everything is fine. I always replace the splitter and check fittings, etc. I monitor the modem for a couple weeks with the DOCSIS software and everything is perfect. I've seen this now with Antronix, PDI, and Broadband Product splitters. I've also checked voltage and ingress backfeeding from TVs connected to this splitter and found nothing. Why is it that when I disconnect one of the TVs from this splitter the signal on a different port of the splitter corrects itself? In a normal world we change the splitter and take off. But I'm curious. Any ideas? Is there something else I should be looking for? Microrefelctions from a different outlet building up at the splitter over time?