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Re: Why do you need to have a late (new) work truc

Appearance of vehicles and personnel is one of the things that reflects overall quality. If you don't care what the customer thinks of your appearance, how could you possibly care what the customer thinks of your quality. How can you be proud of one portion of your job, but not care about another. I see guys that want to sound like Tommy Chong, and look like slobs, but want to be respected as leaders in our field. I'm sorry, but pride in your job starts the minute you look in the mirror. If you look and sound unprofessional, you have to be unprofessional thru and thru. A rusty old leaky vehicle reflects the end product of the job. Every time I hired subs that looked and sounded professional, they were serious about their service. When I hired subs that showed they didn't care, I got burned. So I am one of those customers that will look at your appearance, your vehicles, and your language. I also check references. If you are professional, you have my work, if your not, it mustn't be too important to you so I don't want you.
This is posting #161897. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Why do you need to have a late (new) work truck\va by x Greasemonkey
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Why do you need to have a late (new) work truc SCcabledude 2/20/2006 7:04:00 PM
Re: Why do you need to have a late (new) work truc mastercable01 2/20/2006 9:32:00 AM
Re: Why do you need to have a late (new) work truc crawl2much 2/19/2006 9:56:00 AM