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Re: Time to get out of DirecTV

Actually Trey,

I agree with you for once on what you wrote above. You do have valid points regarding some people are being taken advantage of. Yes some people are overworked and underpaid. Yes, a lot of people do get taken advantage of and don't or cant speak up for themselves, and that is too bad. The union I belonged to did nothing to change those things it only complicated things further. That is my experience. Yours was different.

However, I feel insanity is continuing to do the same thing everyday and expect different results. I can respect a person for calling me out., I encourage it! I like to listen to how people feel they can improve in their career. I like to brainstorm, I respect what people tell me about their job on a day to day basis, and I use the information to plan on their behalf. We have ride along, and meetings about our short comings. I take responsibility, I own my mistakes and victories.

Unions are very rigid, the reason you can waltz around under the cover of a contract is that communication is no longer an option. Those choice vacation days you cant get, are just a final grasp at control on behalf of the employer who cant trust you anymore. Of coarse you face little restraint from your superiors, they are legally bound by the contract. What an uncomfortable position to be's de-humanizing to me. I would not want you to be afraid to tell me that you need help with something.

Unfortunately most people do not have the nerve to speak up, and many cant......the distance between the suits and the workers is created this way. Most think the boss is an uncaring monster who is not even human, and never even try to have a discussion with their employer. A lot of guys are surprised when the boss actually is a cool human being. It is mainly lack of communication and assumptions that cause these discussions.

How many of you have told your boss...or the contractor you work under how you really feel? If not, why not? How can owners and Managers improve and build a report between suits and shirts? Tell me, I would love to know and will take it to heart 100%


BTW...I am back in the conversation with great sincerity, please take advantage of this opportunity guys and is your chance...stand up and be heard as individuals...I will be waiting to hear from you and so are the others who would benefit from the information.

Thank you,
OSG (I like the nickname)(bow)
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Posted in reply to: Re: Time to get out of DirecTV by Trey9007
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Time to get out of DirecTV Trey9007 2/17/2006 12:09:00 PM
Re: Time to get out of DirecTV Trey9007 2/15/2006 5:26:00 PM