I would like to give everyone an example of what 180 Connect pays us to do installs in Ft. Lauderdale Fla. A high cost of living on top of the following prices makes it impossible to survive
Disconect. $3.00 Includes picking up equipment.
Change of service: $4.25 Includes taking meter readings at the ground block.
Reconect: $4.94 includes the primary outlet
Digital Box Install: $7.00 and you can only get paid for one box
If you install 20 boxes at one house you still get $7.00
Cable Modem $22.80 includes the outlet
Custom work. $8.00
Activate Add Outlet. $3.25
Run new Outlet. $6.00
Bury a drop over 200ft $14.00
Bury a drop under 200ft $8.00
New underground install $12.16 includes burying the drop and signal to the primary outlet
New Ariel Install $11.15 Includes the Primary
These are just some of the ridiculous prices that we have.
I thought i had a solid skilled trade in cable, but with this company you have to work 7 days a week to make 600 dollars.
Any feed back on this company would be greatly appreciated.
180 Connect
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