Despite my confusion and hate for a father so cruel,when my son is older,I will tell him my truth.That "I loved his father more than life.I respected his work,his intelligance,and his thoughts.We all make desisions that will bring us closer or take us away.For whatever his reasons,he chose to live his life separated from you.If he had know you and watched you become a man then I am sure he would have loved you as I do."I think he has made a huge cowardly mistake but I have no control over him.He will deal with his demons sooner or later.(I hope)I will cherish my little man knowing that I made the right desision with no guilt or pity.I neednt say harsh words against his father(like he has done to me)People,including his son, will make their own judgements upon him.(without my lashings)I love my son and when he gives me hugs and kisses,I know he will be just fine.I no longer respect his father.I am however thankful that he helped give me my son.(the best part of him anyway)
I know what you seek in finding her father.I know the pain and un-answered questions.I only hope that if you do pursue him that whatever shall come from it,it is whats best for your daughter.No answer will ever justify him lying and leaving. However,I firmly believe everything happens for a reason.Believe that your daughter was meant to be yours and he was the way to get there.She will be happier knowing she was not "abandoned" by him..but loved by you.Good luck in your lives.Thank you for letting me ramble on.I hope it helped atleast knowing you are not alone.Take care.

> Well I have gotten many responses to this and I thank everyone- the truth is that I am VERY happy to have my daughter- and whether he is in her life or not will not change how I feel about this little angel. I just feel that he is missing something spectacular- and someday will regret it and it will be to late. She is also missing out on having a father- but I am sure will be fine as she is loved very much. As much as I would love to HATE Damian Pelster- I actually loved him very much, I would light up when he came into the room. I feel I was used- but for almost a year- I felt loved- I just want to give him another opportunity to meet this special little girl who looks just like him AND has his personality and temper! Again, anyone who knows him I can be contacted at (-REDACTED-) Thank you- Tammie
> > Debbie,
> > My first post was spoken out of "selfishness" due to a situation I have had in the past!
> > I am sorry for the post and deleted it.
> > For some reason I do this all too often!
> > Anyway, I have to agree that PeterGunn's post is quite well spoken and has the comfort in it you deserve.
> > But, I still think the dad is just a biological father and nothing more!
> > And a creep if you ask me!
> > My prayers are with you and your daughter!
> >
> > Mark
> >
> > > I have been on this site for 2 months trying to contact a cable person who did work in Washington. He lied, didn't tell me about his wife in California and we ended up with a child- he then left- never meeting his daughter. She is now two and a half and I think it's time this dead beat cable guy steps up to the plate. If anyone knows Damian Pelster please let him know I am looking for him. He has a beautiful daughter that I think he should meet. It's not right that cable or ANYONE should travel around for thier job and lie and then take off. It's time he took some responsibility- I have been raising her by myself and just want him to meet her. My email is (-REDACTED-)