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Re: O'ConnerZ Head!!!!!!!!


Pickeral, you're such a loser it hurts to watch.

Now follow this>>>

According to the Blackballed sheep, The problem wasn't him, NOOooooooooooooo, not the boss. Nuh huh.

The problem was the guy with the 20 yr history as a Navy career NCO who was so unstable he was driving the SEALS around. I am sure we all know what a pack of incompetents those guys are. But not Pickeral...Noooooooo

Anywhooo, Pickeral grows tired of this loser who was able to move around the install world well enough, but the complexities of the EOL Picture was just outside his cognitive grasp. Whats a delusional conman to do? BACK TO THE WORLD OF INSTALLS WITH HIM!

The guy simply wasn't up to Pickerals high standards. Who wouldn't be ablle to see the reason here?

I guess where it gets loopy for me, is where Pickeral goes crazier than a sh** house rat, when he see's this former employee on the job site, where he found him, and makes such a nuisance of himself he nearly gets more than a half dozen people canned through no fault of their own.

Wouldn't it be reasonable for what is clearly being represented as a fair and decent human being, to just sign off on the incompetent hack and let another sub hire him?

The fact is Pickeral is just a lying, cheating, litigious scammer. And it is just no more complex than that.

As far as knowing where you live Pickeral, don't know and don't care. You're a white trash loser and if I never see your sorry face again, it will be too soon.

Guess that about covers it.

Mike O'Conner

> Well, Mike O'Conner? "Who you" isn't that a needed "Grammer correcting"? Yes, I think you must be "Illiterate" like you call everyone else when they make spelling & Grammer mistakes!
> Next is the "FACTS" as "YOU" see them are VERY distorted!
> But, of course one would expect this coming from an "Illiterate", Lying ONION HEAD..and FAR from distinguished!
> The FACTS are as follows:
> Mike Jones came to my home in St. Charles, MO. to do an install that I had already completed! He was working for a sad company called NACOM/AmeriLink Corp. (NAPALM)!
> He "Seemed" to have his act together and drove a nice truck with all his own tools in it!
> I spoke to him about learning Sweep to do (End of the Line readings) for six months min. and progress on from there!
> He had a TRILITHICS TriCorder (RF/CLI field meter) with him taking the readings off my drop!
> His application that I still have on file said he had been doing cable & digital installs for a min. of 6 months! So he should have had an understanding of RF!
> And his Boss Bud Cardwell (Area Manager) is what he put said that he was a descent installer and knew his "RF" meter good, new how to run coax! BUT, had some personal issues!
> I went ahead and hired Mike Jones based on a "WRITTEN CONTRACT"! Which stated he would NOT be able to go to work on the project if he quit for 6 months! And that if I envested my time on "TRAINING" that if he quit he would owe me a certain amount of money!
> After only a few days this guy started involving me in his "PERSONAL" issues about this girlfriend/wife he had/has!
> He was VERY EMOTIONAL about things!
> I was kind enough to spend a LOT of time counciling him when we NEEDED to be working!
> He did not make hardly any progress in a few weeks!
> He could not get the hang of the meter (WaveTek StealthTak)
> I DID NOT REQUIRE him to buy one of his own UNLESS he was going to continue to lean to sweep!
> He chose to ask his MOTHER for a loan to purchase the meter!
> After trying him at END OF THE LINE READINGS for 4 WEEKS and he could only do 4 or five a DAY! And not even NAME them correctly! I even gave him CHEAT SHEETS on EXACTLY how to do everything!
> I sat him down and told him it was not working out very well at that point! I told him if he could not advance better than he was then he needed to go back to installations!
> He came to me the next day and QUIT! Not only did he QUIT HIMSELF! But, he chose to go elsewhere Mike O'Conner who was at the time a SUB for the same company I was a sub for! And got hired "AGAINST" Mike Jones and my contract! And against the local AT&T, Contractors (Verbal) agreement NOT to hire people that worked for other contracts or subs!
> Yes, I did find Mike O'Conner with Mike Jones on a pole on the project and YES I did confront Mike Jones!
> I was telling Mike Jones that he was not to be on the project!
> He then began threatening me and started SWINGING his Climbing belt at me!
> I di not lock myself in my truck!
> I did call the owner of the company who I and Mike O'Conner were subing to at the time and told him I did not want Mike Jones on this project since he and I parted on BAD terms!
> The Owner Agreed!
> END OF STORY!!!!!!!!
> As for you and I getting together Mike O'Conner and working this out! Feel free to contact me anytime and make arrangements! You know where I live! But, I DOUBT VERY SERIOUSLY if you want to try to get a piece of me!
> (bash)(cussing)
This is posting #63737. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: O'ConnerZ Head!!!!!!!! by 1 CATV Black Sheep
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: O'ConnerZ Head!!!!!!!! 1 CATV Black Sheep 3/7/2002 11:45:00 PM
Re: O'ConnerZ Head!!!!!!!! sprdave 3/7/2002 3:36:00 AM