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Re: O'ConnerZ Head!!!!!!!!

I'm really spending a LOT MORE of my time on this childish play than I should.....BUT it's been kind of a chess game to me and well, quite frankly I must say Mr. O'Conner you play a FINE "GAME"!
Trying to prove myself right here is the furthest thing from my intentions here! LOL
I am just plainly ENJOYING the heck out of hearing Mr. O'Conner try to "MAKE HIMSELF SOUND SO INTELLIGENT"! LOL

What is SOOOOO absolutely amazing here is that you speak so eliquently, but still come out of it smelling like CHIT!

Just the simple fact that Mike Jones "CLAIMS" to have driven the Navy Seals around does not make it true.
The fact that he chose to attack me with a climbing belt rather than his "Bare Hands" tells me that he was NOT a Navy Seal! A Navy Seal would have had me on the gound eating gravel before I could have blinked an eye!

I did not make this guy FAIL! He FAILED ALL ON his lonesome!
Just like he FAILED on on his lonesome in the Military!

What you didn't ask him for his DD214?????? Please do!

Hey O'Conner? What a MORON! LOL


> ROFL...
> Pickeral, you're such a loser it hurts to watch.
> Now follow this>>>
> According to the Blackballed sheep, The problem wasn't him, NOOooooooooooooo, not the boss. Nuh huh.
> The problem was the guy with the 20 yr history as a Navy career NCO who was so unstable he was driving the SEALS around. I am sure we all know what a pack of incompetents those guys are. But not Pickeral...Noooooooo
> Anywhooo, Pickeral grows tired of this loser who was able to move around the install world well enough, but the complexities of the EOL Picture was just outside his cognitive grasp. Whats a delusional conman to do? BACK TO THE WORLD OF INSTALLS WITH HIM!
> The guy simply wasn't up to Pickerals high standards. Who wouldn't be ablle to see the reason here?
> I guess where it gets loopy for me, is where Pickeral goes crazier than a sh** house rat, when he see's this former employee on the job site, where he found him, and makes such a nuisance of himself he nearly gets more than a half dozen people canned through no fault of their own.
> Wouldn't it be reasonable for what is clearly being represented as a fair and decent human being, to just sign off on the incompetent hack and let another sub hire him?
> The fact is Pickeral is just a lying, cheating, litigious scammer. And it is just no more complex than that.
> As far as knowing where you live Pickeral, don't know and don't care. You're a white trash loser and if I never see your sorry face again, it will be too soon.
> Guess that about covers it.
> Sincerely,
> Mike O'Conner
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Posted in reply to: Re: O'ConnerZ Head!!!!!!!! by Sweep Daddy
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