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Re: Deficit Cut in Half Under Obama

My mistake on the 4 vs 40 % , but I can't help but to think that had the shoe been on the other foot and it was a republican with a 40% approval rating that you and other liberals would be making hay out of that fact. But because it's your guy you choose to ignore what 60% of the people think.

As far as the war on ISIS goes just look at the way it's been handled so far.
Obama refused to listen to his own advisers and pulled the troops out.
Obama refused to listen to his intel when they were telling him 4 years ago what was going on.
Up until the beginning of Sep Obama was saying that ISIS was a J.V. team and he didn't have a plan to deal with them. It wasn't until El Presidente's poll numbers hit 37% that he even acknowledged there was a problem. Hell the fact that they beheaded 2 Americans didn't even put a dent in his golf game. He actually gave one speech from the golf course.
Now El Presidente' is/has said it's all his intell people who dropped the ball. I know you didn't let Bush get away with that why does Obama get a pass on this one?
Yes I believe ISIS is a threat in fact they are al Qaeda but El Presdente' can't say that because that would mean he hasn't decimated them as he claimed in 2012. 
All this bombing of empty buildings is Obama's version of waging the dog.
If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Deficit Cut in Half Under Obama by Trey9007
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Re: Deficit Cut in Half Under Obama Trey9007 10/2/2014 3:46:29 PM