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Re: Deficit Cut in Half Under Obama


I said 40% wasnt all that bad.  But I guess I should have mentioned its not
all that good either. IMO, you are vulnerable with a 40% approval, but you're
far from being out of the game.

My opinions on ISIS is a bit different from yours. I do think ISIS is an important
issue. But I actually sometimes think Osama must be turning in his grave. 
The fact this group killed two Americans and is getting all this attention.
Where Osama had to train and plan for years and kill thousands of Americans to get
the same kind of attention.

IMO, Maliki is the reason ISIS has made so many gains in Iraq. His refusal to sign
a new SOFA, is what allowed them take over. Remember, Obama campaigned on leaving
a residual force. As POTUS, he stated the desire to leave a residual force. As POTUS
he offered to leave a residual force but Iraq refused to sign a new SOFA. Also remember,
the 2008 SOFA signed by Bush required all US troops out of Iraq by Dec 2011.  Obama
was only pushing up the date, but always wanted to leave a residual force for obvious

You say Im giving Obama pass, in comparison to Bush.  IMO, you cant compare the two.  9/11 occured under BUsh and quite honestly, I think you guys gave him a pass.  Now, 2 reporters have died and you want to consider Obama a disaster. The right even continues to solicit the assistance of those who allowed 9/11 to happen (Cheney).  I dont think you wanna talk about who's given who a pass.

IMO, ISIS is an issue mainly because they appear to embrace the lone wolf concept.
I think groups that have a power/leadership structure and operate somewhat like an army
are easier to handle, than those that embrace the lone wolf concept.

The fact is, whether its ISIS, or the next group, extreme ISlam will continue
to be a threat. We're fighting an idea, not a people.

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Posted in reply to: Re: Deficit Cut in Half Under Obama by johnmc3
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Re: Deficit Cut in Half Under Obama johnmc3 10/2/2014 8:27:23 PM