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Re: RUS Work Nightmare!! Help!!!

FYI I had a some trouble out of that bunch of clowns "Finley Engineering" to, here in Ky. it was not drops it was the bonds on the poles they the contractor gave us copper Acorns for the top of the Ground Rods to attach the Vertical @ the base of the pole ever pole had to have a VGR we did 250 to 300 poles and then they ask us where we got the Acorns @ I told them the "Contractor" they inform me it was worng and I had to go back and fix all "Cad Weld" each one at my expense, not only that a cad weld machine is about $2500.00, also they told us to "Wind Roll" the brush when we was in the Mtn. a month later they came back and said we had to go back up in them Mountains drag the brush out rent a Chipper and blow it over the side of the hill.................
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Posted in reply to: Re: RUS Work Nightmare!! Help!!! by fmcltd
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Re: RUS Work Nightmare!! Help!!! mag3 5/2/2013 4:30:19 PM