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Re: what would it take?????

If you would bother to read the third sentence of my post you would see I adressed the low pay issue.
I'm sorry I was raised that when you agree to do a job you do it to the best of your ability. If the company is screwing you on pay then you either get them to straighten it out and if they don't you move on and find a company that does not. That's part of being a contractor, you can pick who you want to work for.
I've seen a lot of guys that say they are contractors, get their pay by 1099, but are actually just employees without benefits. They answer an ad about work ask what the pay rate is and that's it. They never ask other questions or research the company before they start. Small things like How long have you been in business? What's your corprate office's address and contact information? Why are you looking for contractors now? Are you the prime, if not who is? What's your turnover rate? Do you supply a list of all charge back reasons? If there is a charge back do I have a chance to correct it before it goes on my check? Can I see a copy of your spec's? Are there any specialized tools needed for the job? Does the company supply them? Am I required to buy them through the company or can I buy them myself? If through the company is there a company markup? If so how much? Can I get this in writing? There's a whole lot of questions that a lot of so called contractors never ask and these are the guys that generally find themselves sitting in some parkinglot, outside a closed office, with a fist full of unpaid invoices, wondering where their money is, all because the boss left town in the middle of the night after being paid by the prime or who ever he was working for.
It's not all the contractors fault but you got to know what your getting into before you agree to it. If there were more guys that asked more questions before hand a lot of these bs companies would not be around long.
If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking.
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Posted in reply to: Re: what would it take????? by brentpick
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Re: what would it take????? EshoreJoe 2/13/2013 2:14:47 PM