I disagree tho on your assesment of forming a union however. You say all the money you will lose. This is why we disagree...actually, you are correct...in the short term. But in the end, 99% will have nothing to show for their lives work. A union not only helps to ensure a fair, steady, hourly wage. It also ensures PAID time off. Not to mention HEALTH BENEFITS. Taxes will likely be paid, on time and without folks having to look over their shoulder or cringe for every certified letter that is delivered. A retirement IS and should be, our ultimate destination when we just can't or won't work after already working 40+ years. A union helps to make that happen. My oldest is a union guy and only 32 years old. He will have well over $1.5 million when he is ready to retire.

The world has changed. In the almost 30 years I was in this industry before retiring from it (make no mistake, I still have to work. I am not the one with the massive pension like my boy has), I can't believe the changes that have occured. Now, imagine our fathers 30 years prior when they were our age. Think they didn't see things like you and me, amazed at the drastic change? Sure they did. But the problem you and 90% of the folks on this site have is you have blinders on. You want nothing to change. I'd agree as we would be the ones benefitting from it. But that isn't the way it is anymore and guess what? Things are going to keep changing, my friend.
I have a saying that I go by. I was surprised to hear Brad Pitt say it in his new movie 'Moneyball':