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Re: Wise Connect, Inc

never worked for these guys but you are correct, people complaining usually can't follow instructions or don't know how to work thru a problem. thing is, when contract companies pay bottom dollar, that's the people you get. dtv pays well for installs, it's all the middle men that screw it up, thus the 2yr life span.left the biz 3 mths ago after a pay cut from advanced went down. the way satellite and cable does business is the shadiest crap i have ever been involved with (if you knew me that would say a lot,lol) .they don't want people long term, they don't recognize good work, or keep up with the people that could bring value to them, you have no future in that job, that is why so many people look at the industry with's a very smart way to do business, i see that, but i couldn't know that i employed that many people across the country where 85% of them hated my company (and)their labor practices (would it kill them to give tech's free satellite/cable packages?)KARMA= rich exec's with their kids hooked on Oxycontin.anyway, still like the bar, hope it gets better for the people putting parts of their life in these jobs, just don't think it will.
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Re: Wise Connect, Inc audioswami 1/2/2012 8:56:02 PM