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Re: $50 charge back for not showing id!

regardless of the legality of a chargeback, all of us that work for Adcomm/Smart Cirlce have seen the joy of a 50 dollar no badge fee.  Sure they have since added a box that the customer initials proving they have seen it, but that doesnt fix the long list of prior hits for this.  Then throw in that they never pay for service work, regardless of fault, and its a big welcome to world of satellite.  Be cautious newbie, because another favorite is a charge for no directv attire or signs on your truck.  I have become used to 10% of my locations payroll to be taken in chargebacks.  In 6 months there have only been 3 paychecks with no chargebacks or jobs that had pay skipped for "failure to upload in time" (we all know is crap).  Try to hire and keep techs under that umbrella and see how long it lasts.  I now have an entire checklist that the customer checks off at every job to ensure no hits.
This is posting #333527. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: $50 charge back for not showing id! by EshoreJoe
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Re: $50 charge back for not showing id! Nightlife1970 9/26/2011 6:15:53 PM