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system capabilities

Hey System Experts,

Q1: Given our backbone is unlimated, what is the fatest internet a tight well balanced 550 Mhz system can offer? (700 trunk, 550 feeder, misc taps from 450 to 650 Mhz taps and splitters which may not make a diff but if so let me know?)

Q2: With a 10MB backbone to start at what number of subs would we most likely see saturation and slower speeds below 3MB at the last sub 25 amps out? (this is a rural system and we figure our max sub count will reach 1000 - 1500)

Q3: What would be the biggest bang for the buck to make sure the system can handle data from 1500 subs given the backbone is not the tall poll? (keep in mind that we would like to work with what we have and make only the necessary changes, i.e taps, splitters, balancing options, CMTS channel options, frequency options, ...)

Q4: Has anyone had experience in pushing MPEG data video over a 550 Mhz system to provide HD and increase the number of channels for the sub without having to upgrade system Mhz? There are sever companies that offer this technology if you have recommendation, one being "Megahertz".

Thanks everyone,

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There are 3 replies to this message
Re: system capabilities 1FARMER 6/6/2011 3:48:45 PM
Re: system capabilities jmiller 6/6/2011 5:31:06 AM
Re: system capabilities cabledad 6/6/2011 12:21:37 AM