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Re: 5-15-11

I am not "Splitting hairs" I am simply pointing out contradictory and inaccurate statements that you have made.
You again say that the Bible is "nothing more than stories"  So do you, in fact, refute the bible?
(as the infailable word of God)
Please forgive me if I am asking you to repeat any statements that you have already made, but do you believe that God created the universe and all that is in it?  And if so, don't you think He is capable of protecting the integrity and accuracy of His Holy Word?

OK, just reading your last posting about the "Stories"     Do you believe these "Stories" are true? or "Just made up" stories?  (I will give you the benefit of the doubt here)

Jesus said:  “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."
And I believe that to be true, because I believe the Bible to be the infailable Word of God. (as does my wife)  So, does the issue lie with that being the truth, or what it MEANS to "be born again"

By the way, my wife and I are in 100% agreement in our spiritual life, otherwise we would have never gotten married.  So, even if she has a different way of expressing herself, she is in TOTAL agreement with my beliefs, as I am with hers.
With God all things are possible
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Posted in reply to: Re: 5-15-11 by Splicer Life 4me
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: 5-15-11 Splicer Life 4me 5/16/2011 5:32:32 PM