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Re: 5-15-11

Nothing to forgive. However I made myself PERFECTLY CLEAR WHERE I STAND many, many posts ago. The difference between the religious nazi terrorist group (here on out referenced by the acronym RNTG) and myself is I accept that others believe differently and do not give ultimatums if others do not believe my way. That is their choice to make. God did not put me on this earth to judge others, as He did not put you or Gary donkey dick sucking Vest on this earth to judge...lest ye be judged yourselves. But you both have blinders/rose colored glasses/tunnelvision and are attempting to create another Jonestown recruiting CABL Bar users. This religious forum was not intended for daily affermations or as Gary the pig fucking Vests personal podium.

Now, if you consider to be born again the simple yet solemn belief of God & Jesus (which is called FAITH) well I, while NOT judging, am here to correct you and give you the proper word for the belief you hold. Funny as fuck when I said (what started this WHOLE THING) one can see the Kingdom of God when one DIES without being "born again" due to sincere belief, that I am a hethen devil worshipping atheist that doesn't understand ANY religion because I have "no proof" and have not "thoroughly researched EVERY religion", yet when your 'wife' says literally the SAME FUCKING THING y'all just jump on that bandwagon and claim that is what Y'ALL have BEEN saying ALL ALONG, and I am still a blithering idiot. 

My job here is done. You yourselves talked your way into showing your true colors, proving beyond a shadow of doubt that I have been right all along, and that (at least in Gary pussy lipped Vests case) it is nothing but a facade and that the only thing being spread is the propoganda to suit y'alls agenda only. You Rob, you I feel are actually a spiritual man and that isn't a bad thing. Gary the stanky cunt Vest on the other hand is a liar and doing this only to edge his bets since living a most(ly) deceitful life by putting on a mask to hide who he truly is. The truly righteous people need not do this and Rob, I have seen NO indication of YOU doing so. Call me vulgar, call me a hethen devil worshipping atheist, call me whatever you fucking please, I don't give a shit; at least I have the balls to not hide like a little sissy bitch like Vest.

The one thing I feel sorry for YOU Rob is your comment that you never would have married your wife if you both didn't agree 100% on your spiritual life. That's sad to me. But that is your decision and I don't judge you for it.

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Posted in reply to: Re: 5-15-11 by TheRobMan
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Re: 5-15-11 RobMansWife 5/16/2011 11:02:53 PM