Re: Dept. of Labor & IRS to investigate...
Member #: 56678
Registered: 1/14/2008
Michael Scantland
Michael Scantland
Web Design
~23 years
Matter of fact two IRS agents are focusing on my SS-8 form I sent it. Its no secret, ive provided everything I sent it to my federal attor and Work Comp so they know what I sent them. I know im not going to have to pay my share, they are if they decide im an employee. Well for the past three filing years at least. This is a large case and cant talk about details. I dont see them really cracking the whip till mid next year. Its just in the infant stages right now. When a IRS agent interviews you about how many contractors they have, how many supervisors, how many managers are paid 1099, can you provide names of every contractor, how do you have copies of another contractors tax returns, who assists in filling them out, do any contractors have employees, manufacture goods, do i know of anyone paying commisions to helpers, do you know of an contractors who paid for advertising or attorny fees. I felt like I was on trial. When your read your rights before the interview by a IRS Fraud SA you get a sence how big of a can of worms you opened. I did see tax returns and he was asking questions like does he this or this what did I do etc. So the IRS is on it. It only took a year.Its funny almost outright ridiclous that everything I write on here gets high priority over at Knight. The above post talking about things ive been told by a few people about certain relationships between two parties. Im digging deep and getting my ducks in a row on this next can of worms. I was going to back off, but Knight supervisors, calling my GF a coke whore and what comes around goes around. Ive got the text, copied and printed, Knight management slamming my family on this forum. I agree i'm on a mission they have every right to speak there mind, but its like your moma jokes, they dont have anything to say about my career at Knight for 7 1/2 years, how I trained voip techs, service techs, was the go to guy to fix customer problems, supervised and ran an office when the manager was out "which was all the time" was well respected by BH management at both manatee and pinellas. But they dont have anything to say about that. During this whole thing is it takes time nothing happens overknight. I just wanted to thank all of you for supporting someone who goes againist the grain. Its really sad over there I get messages saying We support your cause, but dont like the idea of being an employee. The Department of Labor may get involved but I dont see it. It would take a formal complaint unless the Head of the DOL steps in. With the Senate Commitee pushing a bill through and my case being the 2nd case in MIddle District in involving telecommunications workers its catching attention. More so since the Judges order to send notice all workers at knight to opt in. I hope DOL stays out for a bit longer.
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