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Suddenlink employee relations

OK, so I am having a problem with one of the girls that works up front (takes payments) at our cable office.  She has been starting crap about me and another tech because she is mad about me sending customers to field sales reps instead of into the cable office to talk to her.  Therefore she is losing sales.  So I end up with nasty emails and phone calls from the plant manager about a couple installs.  These jobs were done to company specs and also reviewed with and approved by customer prior to any work being done and it was fine with them then.

Long story short, lady up front is sleeping with the plant manager, so he does whatever he is told by her.  LOL, pu**y whooped I guess.

Everyone in the office knows this is going on, but no one will say anything for fear of losing their job.  I don't care though. 

So, my question is, who do I get in contact with about this?  I know this is a BIG no no with Suddenlink (or any company for that matter).  May as well stop the problem where it started...right?
This is posting #310811. Tiny Link:
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Suddenlink employee relations brokeboy 8/24/2010 1:44:54 PM
Re: Suddenlink employee relations Birdman 8/22/2010 11:22:24 AM
Re: Suddenlink employee relations annubiss 8/20/2010 9:12:36 PM
Re: Suddenlink employee relations johnmc3 8/20/2010 10:38:25 AM
Re: Suddenlink employee relations Splicer Life 4me 8/20/2010 2:00:04 AM