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Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum

Hello Rick, can you put anannubiss forum up for me since I have so many fans?  As you can see my post makes them happy and is fun for me to toy with their minds. Also this could be a place for them to call me nigga and everything else they need to and I can crush them. They told me this was a place to vent and I have been getting so many replies from new fans everyday.

There are so many I cant keep up with them. Every day I get on, I see new post from new people who like my stilo ("style" for those you who dont know); I cant believe how much of star I have become here.  This way real cable dawgs can discuss serious issues and vent. My fans need a place to pay homage to me and get all the "static noise" out of the way of real venting or discussions.  Thanks Rick.
This is posting #310097. Tiny Link:
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum annubiss 8/15/2010 10:27:52 PM
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum annubiss 8/14/2010 3:08:59 PM
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum mountaingirl67 8/13/2010 5:21:36 PM
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum Splicer Life 4me 8/13/2010 1:19:52 PM
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum bushmaster 8/13/2010 9:30:11 AM