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Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum

Why would admin even bother to respond when you obviously can't post in the proper forum? Fuck, your only purpose for being on this forum anyway is to instigate people. Can't believe Rick has tolerated you as long as he has. He must be hard up to have people post. You need a minimum 3 day suspension.

"They just keep replying to post that toy with their intrlligence"

And you even admit to being an instigator. Why Rick allows this to continue, I'll never know, nor really give a shit since you can't instigate me. And BTW, you first have to earn respect before you can be disrespected. And since you have yet to accomplish the former, the latter is impossible and is you just crying.

" I have never seen so many people to piss off and sooo easily."

Rick, you really want this to be continue bringing down the professionalism you worked so hard to accomplish?

Dogs aren't our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
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