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Disgruntled Satellite Installer. Can't take in fro

I am tired of all the bogus backcharges. Tired of all the excuses for not being paid on time. Still pissed that just before Christmas i had to wait over 4 weeks for my paycheck. I have put up with it for far to long. I started out as a 1099 instead of a HSP employee because i thought as a 1099 i would be paid more, what a crock.

So last night i get a text message from our warehouse manager saying " I will be gone in the morning so if anyone needs anything you can pick it up at my house tonight"

Well my route didn't get posted until after 11:30pm so i wasn't about to drive out to his house at midnight and get back home at 1am. So i sent him a text telling him what i needed and he said ok i will put it on my back porch.

I had 4 installs and two of them were 90 miles from the warehouse guys house. So decide I need to get to his house early, so i leave my house at 7am and called him to confirm my route, and he said oh your Supervisor has your equiptment and will meet you closer so you can get to your jobs sooner i said cool. So i stop in Coopersville where the supervisor was gonna meet me and i cant get ahold of him, after waiting for a half hour and blowing up his phone he answers half asleep and says no you have to come to my house and pick it up, so by the time i get to his house its 8:35am and he isn't answering his phone and his van was locked i sat there and waited until 9:15am when something told me I shouldn't keep putting up with this. So i left there. I get 25 miles from his house and he calls me and said hey where are you, so i told him hey i have 4 installs and i don't have equiptment, i have already wasted 3 hours of my day for nothing. He said turn around and meet me 10 miles back, I said sorry i can't do that.  I got paid 430 bucks for the last 2 weeks of work and put the last of my money in my gas tank to run my route today and wasted half of it just trying to track my gear down.

So he sends me a text that says  " I just got off the phone with the OPS manager and if you don't run your route today you can download on monday, Im not Joking last chance to get gear"

I responded back that said ok, I don't feel like working until midnight because you couldn't wake up or bother to let me know where i could get my gear for the day and my first job was 90 miles from his house.

Let me guess you would have kept putting up with this crap..

Can't Go Down Without a Fight on This ONE!!!
This is posting #306411. Tiny Link:
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Here's a quick kick in the b@lls walkman 8/8/2010 2:43:16 AM