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Re: Another whats wrong with this picture?


it's a little different over in this neck of the woods. We've got phone over here so we can't take plant down during the day. We've got to call the technical assistance center (TAC) and schedule a time to come out during our maintenance window (between midnight and 6 am). We've got it scheduled for me to go out there next Thurs. The reason I pushed it back till next week is because: A) One of those nights just kills me and I can only do one night like that a week. Because of this I want to do it close to the end of the work week for recuperation concerns; and B) We've got a node we're working on tomorrow night - blue went dark and OTDR shows it terminating 24,000 feet from the hub. Orange is the same. Node is running on the brown and over the last month has lost 5 dB on the forward... and OTDR has it at 32,000 feet (8,000 feet further than fibers in the same sleeve) with 3 minor faults and one major at... you guessed it... 24,000 feet. So, in the list of priorities, this node is a little more important than the redesign.

But I will get pics up next week. I promise. I actually enjoy doing redesign stuff. And actually, it'll help me. Like I've mentioned before, even though I've been in this business for over a decade I'm still new to the system tech world so I'd like it if you guys could (softly) give constructive criticism on my work. Note: key word was SOFTLY. I don't need anybody calling me a dumbass. I think we've all got to have a little of that in us anyway for continuing in this industry as long as we have. So... be looking for pics next week.
This is posting #302087. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Another whats wrong with this picture? by johnmc3
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Re: Another whats wrong with this picture? johnmc3 5/5/2010 11:24:53 PM