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Question for Cable Dawgs

I have been in the cable industry for years.. mainly on installs / upgrades etc.. but at my house i have a 'unique' problem that no one .. i mean no one can seem to get a grip on..

When i started my service about 2 months ago.. it was great.. paying for 15meg .. getting 15 meg.. now.. about a week and a half ago the line guys went thru the neighborhood and replaced the le's and whatever else it needed for the 'major upgrade' sudden link as getting ready to implement .. (supposidly up to 20 or 25 meg and more HD than you can ever begin to look at) since then the speed dropped (am now averaging about 6 meg on a good day) and am getting CONSTANT drop outs... heres the thing.. when it drops out.. the modem stays online all the time.. it seems to lose connection between the router and the modem as i can log into the router just fine and not the modem.. just the internet connection... gone...

now.. when it started to get bad.. i started with the modem.. replaced it .. with the newer docsis 3 compliant modem.. no dice

replaced the router.. no dice

disabled wireless... no dice

removed one computer at a time.. till only one hooked up.. no dice..
i even went as far as to put a filtered battery backup surge protector on (just the power not the coax) thinking maybe i had some line noise .. no dice

Found out earlier today .. a guy down the street is having the EXACT same issues..

Cable company says.. its not us.. its you... we can ping our modem.. its not our problem

so givin all i did (i even switched cable outlets in the house) and finding out the other guy is having the same issues.. it leads me to believe it IS the cable company.. and im thinking either in their dhcp server.. or something the guys did or didnt do in the 'upgrade' ..

any ideas??
This is posting #301672. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Question for Cable Dawgs glenn 5/2/2010 9:56:32 AM
Re: Question for Cable Dawgs J_r0kk 5/2/2010 2:08:40 AM
Re: Question for Cable Dawgs johnmc3 5/1/2010 9:40:14 PM