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Re: Kill the Bill

So, by your argument, if instead you first pay an insurance company, then also pay all the government bureaucrats that now have to oversee everything, and then send the person to the ER with those same chest pains, but now your forcing that same hospital to deal with the government idiots, and an insurance company that will ty things up trying to NOT pay, it becomes cheaper?!?!?! Seems to me you've added a whole lot of people on the payroll for your scenario. And btw, the scenario you described is a situation that is actually carried out, uncountable times every day. You see, when you have chest pains, you go to the ER. You don't make an appointment for next month with a doctor!

The truth of the huge costs will come out eventually, but it's already way too late.

30 Million more people, and you think health care costs will go down?! What kind of math is that?  WOW!!!!!!!!

The socialists have won.

"...Right now if the uninsured has chest pains, they go to the hospital ER and get checked out.  The ER is the most expensive place to get treated.  That costs of unpaid ER treatment is passed on to those of us who pay.  We're already paying for their healthcare. But were doing it in the most in-effecient and expensive manner.  Paying for treatment recieved in the ER is the worse thing we could be doing.  Get these people some insurance, so they can stop going to the ER.  It will cost us MUCH less...."
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Posted in reply to: Re: Kill the Bill by Trey9007
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Kill the Bill Trey9007 3/21/2010 4:58:03 PM