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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This

I see your "today's reality" point and counter with:  work orders sent to hand-held/computer under your "Tech" number ---> completed jobs get uploaded to server under your "Tech" number---->payment gets issued to "Tech" number which happens to have all your "company" info.  Again, not arguing "today's reality" point you make because I see it as well.  However; having worked some projects which do operate in this manner: you get a hand-held/pc and all "paper work" is electronic, including customer signature; you show up directly to the MSO site and get/return all equipment at that particular "facility"; your "Tech" number has all your "company" information for payment.  This is very rare, however not impossible.  I see this type of arrangement more on the TELCO side than CABLE side from personal experience(for some reason TELCO companies seem more professional to me than cable........don't know why).  So again, CONVENIENCE does not equal NECESSITY.  Besides, my wife can do all the "paper work" and does not charge me 40%+!!! :)  
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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This RadioMan 3/11/2010 2:38:17 AM