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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This

Your only option then is to change your location or vocation.

In the telecommunications game, we all understand that we are guests at the ballpark.  We don't own the uniform, the ball belongs to someone else, and the position you play on the field is determined by someone else.  It's thier rules, and they own everything from the grass to the parking lot.  You can either play your part in the game or leave it all behind.

location or vocation.  It's all you control. 

Asking "why" is paramount to asking how gravity works.

It is, what it is.

Lump it or leave it.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Independant Contractor? Read This by altec
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Re: Independant Contractor? Read This sbp37388 3/11/2010 8:52:06 PM