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Re: points illegal border crossers to water

unfortunately, its not people like me, you or sweat that contribute to this issue. if you want to help or not help is irrelevant.

there's almost no penalty to illegally enter. no penalty to work under the table. no penalty to run up medical bills.

the demand for this cheap "under the table" labor is too great.

heavy penaties for those who employ illegals combined with "proof of citizenship" at medical facilities (not neccessarily denial of service, but contacting the police, similar to when a patient comes in with a gun shot wound or a battered woman comes in). i believe without work or "safe" medical treatment, much fewer illegals would come.

of course, crime (organized or not) would still be a big temptation, so some sort of sentencing increase would be necessary for those in the country illegally. perhaps torture =)

the benefits of being in this country legally, still out-weigh the negatives if the legal immigrant has any sort of skilled labor.

This is posting #285703. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: points illegal border crossers to water by sab3r
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Re: points illegal border crossers to water sab3r 12/31/2009 3:00:24 PM