When calling about the job. informed the person spoken to, that I am available for two weeks only, and would there be any issue with being paid. After clarifying that, and traveling, I would have spoken with the person in charge of me getting my check, and reminded them of the situation. That contract should have been faxed to you to be signed before you even left. But that is a moot point since you just took off and went to the job site and signed the contract there. Had I not read the contract before signing, I certainly would have gone thru it later at the motel before working so I would know what was and wasn't allowed. Plenty of time the first day since I know you didn't go out immediately. Once I had seen the clause about written termination, I would have hand written a note stating, again, what my last day would be, and turned it in to the person in charge and noted the time & place. The note would have included that I will receive my last check on such and such a date, and had the supervisor date & sign, or initial it, and gotten a copy for my records.
I then would have talked about home constantly, everyday. When the time to leave came, there should be no ill will from the company, and if they wanted me to stay, I would have renegotiated my pricing. If they wouldn't do that, I would again clarify that your check will be sent to me, or I would not have enough money to return, even if I had no intention of returning.
Having done all these precautions, and a check still did not come to my home, then I would have solid ground to stand on and could begin.
As for Christmas presents for the kids, I learned a loooooong time ago NOT to wait till the last minute. I start getting things here and there, in October & build the stash up. Not as fun as rushing out and buying everything at once, but the gifts tend to be more well thought out gifts, and generally more gifts than would otherwise be able to afford to give. Sorry bud, no one to blame but yourself for the present thing. Swallow your pride and check with your church and/or the Salvation Army as has been suggested and see if they can help.
Being a contractor, you have to take the time to cross all the t's and dot all the i's or things like this will happen. But bottom line is that hookman is correct, you signed the contract, including the 'silly' things. And just because you think something is "silly" you shouldn't expect the company to not follow with what is stated. Think about it, you certainly would follow what was stated and be pissed if the other party did not, and you would have good reason to be. So put the shoe on the other foot, pull yourself up and sell some stuff on Craigslist or go and pawn some stuff. I don't mean to sound unfeeling because I'm not, but don't whine and point fingers and blame others for your screw-up. That is not a very good characteristic for a man to display. It shows just what a man really is, irresponsible and can't accept the resposibility for himself.
I hope you and your family and friends can still find a way to have an enjoyable Christmas. My son and I had 2 Christmas's that, present wise, were very slim pickings. One year I didn't even have a tree. I was painting the living room, so painted a tree on the wall. Talk about feeling low. But we were together, and I was ever so greatful for that. Make the most of what you do have my friend.