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Re: Linemen-What's Your Favorite Work Relateted Me

Hey Banks I once put a Trunk Amp with 3 outputs (thru & 2 feeders) trunk was fused with 7amp quick blo power passing fuse at 85' in the air in georgia because the as& wipe Mediacom upgrade supervisor says build it like the prints tell you to.

It could have went back 250' to where a 28' bucket could reach it, So I had one of my guys pull power from the prior FNT and I went and spliced the next foreward location, then climbed the 85' location and had power passed & rf and set the nose bleeder up and had my man pull power again.. granted I had to climb it twice.. but the Mediacom man is the boss, we finished the run then passed power and set the remainder of actives up.. got eol's, voltage, called it in, done.

2 weeks later I was back at the same location moving the fnt back the 250' and reballance the foreward, face plate change fore & back feeder at cost plus.
2.5 hours to do it the 1st time 8 hours to do it the 2nd time (the Mediacom Man took a ass chewing over that call) and I was told to place it to were you can get to it in the furture.

just another favorite time because they hired a burger flipper as a project supervisor.
This is posting #253884. Tiny Link:
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Re: Linemen-What's Your Favorite Work Relateted Me SpeedLasher 5/10/2009 4:08:30 PM