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Re: Cable Contractors - Leave while you still can.

why are you guys jumping down his throat. It was just a question and he even said he was just curious and not trying to start problems.


I've been doing install for 2 years myself. I went from $3K bi-weekly to about 1k bi-weekley.  It's over.  The work isn't there anymore.  If it was, i'd be doing it. It's tough. It's very easy to say, "just leave if you don't like it" The problem is that many people have family's and mortgages and really depend on those 2-3k paychecks. There are not a whole lot of jobs out there where you can make that.  I can't just sell my home for less than I owe and travel the country with my wife and 2 kids looking for work.  Maybe if I was single without a mortgage.  I think you will see MANY people leaving in the coming months. Cable is one of the few jobs out there that people do strictly for the money. Only a small % of the population is willing to put in crazy hours and do some pretty grueling work. 80% of contractors quit within a few months. The ones that stay are usually driven soley by $$. Take that away and very few will stick around.

Please read the whole next paragraph before u bash me:
As crazy as it sounds, most people are not motivated by money. That's one of the first things that managers learn (good managers). That's why most people quit cable. Most people have to enjoy or at least not hate there jobs. The 20% of people that stay at cable are different. We don't think like the rest of the world. It's more of an entrepreneurial mind set. When a sub hears that I work 80+ hours and 6 days, they think i'm nuts. To a contractor, it's just a normal week. Tell a self-made millionare or small business owner what you work and it doesnt even fase them.

To the guys bashing Alpha for only being in the business 2 years and saying its an awful business:

WTF????? Who cares!! Why are you giving this guy are hard time for that? He can't control that. It's some how his fault for not getting in earlier? He's right. And it is a horrible business. I just don't understand why you would bash him. Your going to knock him for not being in long enough and for saying its a bad business. You can't do both. If you've been doing cable for long enough to make you a so called "expert" than maybe its been too long since you've seen how other industries treat there guys. What kind of miserable loser just sits and reads posts, just waiting to put people down.

I've been in for two years and am considered on of the best techs in the company.  I'm 22.  Guess who most of the terrible techs are:  The vets with 10-20 years experience.  There is a real tension there.  The younger guys grew up with this technology and understand it better.  That pisses off the vets, who repeatedly embarrass themselves by saying dumbass things like, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."  A 25 year old guy should be able to learn everything about triple installs in a year or so.  That makes these old guys a whole lot less valuable and it scares them.

This is posting #252173. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Cable Contractors - Leave while you still can. by TheAlphaTech
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Cable Contractors - Leave while you still can. supertick 4/29/2009 11:41:10 PM
Re: Cable Contractors - Leave while you still can. islandcable 4/28/2009 1:53:07 PM