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Re: They have Black History Month, Why Can't we ha

We learn about White history everyday. I know when i was in school they sure didn't have any black history classes, Why is that ? yes there are things that we had to push for and it came through, But i wouldn't call it Racist if there was a White history month, but don't attack Black history. Now Randm Why is Eric Holder a IDIOT ? and why would he want to come to your house ?  ERIC HOLDER HIT A NERVE AND IT LOOKS LIKE HE CUT YOURS IN HALF. YOU SEE ANYTIME SOMEONE STANDS UP FOR THEMSELVES THEN THERE AN IDIOT. I DON'T KNOW ERIC HOLDER AND JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT HIM ONCE HE GOT THE JOB, BUT HE JUST SAID SOMETHING THAT NEEDED TO BE BROUGHT TO LIGHT. HOW IN THE HELL CAN WE DEFEAT THE ENEMY IF WE FIGHT EACH OTHER ? People in other countrys sit back and laugh at us. We want to police the world but we can't even get along with each other. Listen to yourself do you read over your post before you post it or do you post it and say OOOOOO sh!t what did i say. Sab3r i can kind of understand where your coming from and i welcome such dialoge as this is what we need to do is talk about it, That is what Eric Holder is talking about we need to get it out in the open and not be afraid of being labled a Racist. What do you Suggest ? What type of Holidays should we look to talk about ? we need more Awarness in all these matters as i know i don't want any american left out we all need time to reflect back on where we came from.
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Re: They have Black History Month, Why Can't we ha oldlinedawg 2/23/2009 5:05:31 PM