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Putting Life in true perspective

Many of you know me from way back when and many of you may not know me or truly hate me.
After many years of seriously struggling with personal difficulties many of which I was foolish enough to air here.
In the last year Life was truly put into perspective for me and I feel that it may be good to air this here as I am sure either the same situation has touched one of your lives or it soon will.
In May of 06 my wife had an injury to her shoulder / chest by trying to place a 40 pound bag of pellets on her should like I do when I come home from my days work.
This changed our lives forever!
After 8 weeks of painful doctor visits to find out what was wrong and 11 (bone crusher) visits we finally ended up in a bone specialist doctors office who gave us the horrific news that still rings in my ears as if it happened today.
He said "Marty you have Multiple Myeloma Cancer" it's incurrable but treatable.
The staggering news was a weight I never thought I would have to carry in my life regarding my wife.
But here I am today helping my wife fight for her life each and every day as a husband and caregiver.
Before this happened I thought I could stand up to anything, anyone!
I have been humbled and brought to my knees.
Going in with my wife to the Cancer treatment center twice a week and be pumped full of many sorts of Chemo medications is most difficult. Not to mention the may other young and old right there in the same huge room right next to us.
As the tear continue to fill my eyes for my wife & the ones I see I find that lifes simple pleasure are taken for granted.
I think of songs like "One more day, one more time". But that is not all I want.
Going to work and leaving your loved one at home and wondering every minute of the work day "is this going to be the last day" is a horrble feeling.
Oh yes, I have faith that she will continue on, I have faith that she will make it into the new system of things.
But the pain of wondering when & if she will take her last breath is almost more than I can bare.
Why did I come here after over a year to share this with all of you?
I still come here every day and read many of the posts.
Sometimes I reply, most times not for fear of hurtful words.
But I see the serious difficulties people are having with just providing for their selves or families due to the cable industry or circumstances.
I just wanted to say that in the light of my wife & I's situation all of our other problems suddenly became small ant hills.
Enjoy getting up either alone or with your families, Love your loved ones like you never have or like you always have, enjoy getting up next to your healthy wife or husband, enjoy your daily lives, enjoy the work that you do have, don't take life for granted and enjoy the breath that you have now as it could very well be your last.............................

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Re: Putting Life in true perspective oldschoolgal 7/24/2007 5:05:00 PM
Re: Putting Life in true perspective SBCASweepTech 7/24/2007 10:15:00 AM
Re: Putting Life in true perspective franmc 7/23/2007 4:14:00 PM
Re: Putting Life in true perspective Try Here deleted 7/23/2007 8:57:00 AM
Re: Putting Life in true perspective MCSub 7/23/2007 1:44:00 AM
Re: Putting Life in true perspective mobiletech 7/23/2007 12:59:00 AM
Re: Putting Life in true perspective Blake23 7/22/2007 10:15:00 PM
Re: Putting Life in true perspective deleted 7/22/2007 5:43:00 PM