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Re: Washington D.C. Bush's Playground

First, let me say that I oppose this bill, not for the amnesty or border issue but it's focus is on the wrong group of people. We should be passing a bill that undoes Bush's dismemberment of the middle class and restores the American Worker to the job opportunity and reimbursement amounts that reward people for producing something, not allowing leaches to skim the cream like thirsty carpet bagging yuppies.
I think the solution is simple. Make the companies who hire illegal aliens give priority to an American worker at an American wage. Should an American not want the job then make them pay the same wage to the alien. Such practices as requiring the American worker to have workmen's comp but hiring illegals who dont have to, is just an example of the unlevel playing field this administration and others have supported. Why? To give away your hard earned labor to special interests groups, large corporations and other assorted pigs who sit on their ass and pick you bones clean. Don't worry about the borders, don't worry if some illegal is getting a break. Go after the companies that hire them illegally and make it a felony with huge fines. The illegals will either fufill a needed employment area or they will have to go home because the companies will not be allowed to pay less to an illegal and would be required to pay all associated costs just as it does for an American worker.
Oppose this bill. Think about it. It was Bush's plan and we all know what happens when the feeble minded fool tries to think.
This is posting #192977. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Washington D.C. Bush's Playground by deleted
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You are 100% correct undergroundawg1 6/20/2007 2:37:00 PM