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Re: are installers "dawgs"?

You sure nailed it here. I started climbing in 1970 for $1.60 an hour and had fun with you mentioned and more.
First day up a stick my foreman was opposite side of the pole and drove a molding staple into my safety with out me knowing.
The most fun was training (spelled torturing) new guys.
Find a fresh dog turd and fill their ditty bag with it.
Working an easements we'd drop our belts and jump off the garage roof into swimming pools.
A piece of .412 made a nice Boones Farm holder for your belt.
Back then anything was acceptable as long as you got the footage. Burn a full reel of strand and get back to the barn to drunk to drive the POS truck. Good times....
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Posted in reply to: Re: are installers "dawgs"? by Thelongclimbhome
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: are installers "dawgs"? Thelongclimbhome 3/23/2007 4:02:00 AM
Re: are installers "dawgs"? 1st to Kink 3/22/2007 3:11:00 PM