Let me try to explain this in a little different lite. I will try not to make this too lengthy.
What does the electric company use to do their work? Both in house and contractor. correct?
Do they use uncertified technicians? No they do not.
Is the cost of using said certified workers costing them so much, that it is creating financial duress on the power company? Of coarse not.
What I am proposing is the regulation of certification and the mandating for it. Not to regulate pay. Although by using qualified technicians that are producing quality service will in fact bring a more stable and higher yielding pay scale.
By NOT setting the standard of excellence what do we have and for how long?
How many times do YOU yourself read about guys not making it one this bar?
How many times do we all read here about guys that are forced to take pay cuts and or lose work due to the uncontrollable number of illegal aliens that are replacing our work force?
How many pictures on this forum alone have been posted demonstrating poor workmanship?
How many times have we seen a post about companies that just don't care about the guys screwing up in the field?
Some one stated here, that this forum does get viewed by the public eye(consumers).Now with that in mind, how much of that is conducive to our current situation?
One can NOT just simply close the eyes, and wish it all away.It all takes action.
How long will it be before you are one of the guys before mentioned?
And when that day comes, will you then be inclined to say that something should have been done to prevent this?
Or will you just close your eyes and wish it all away?
Due to our discussions, you have got my curiosity peaked. If this proposal does not seem fitting to you, What if any would you suggest as a resolve to the issues that are facing this industry?