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Re: The letter will be posted Friday night then yo

I hope it doesnt go that route Gwest, I really hope it doesnt. If it does Ill delete it. It clouds the REAL story. Comcast is a big goon. They use little hinchmen (prime contractors) to do some of their dirty work for them.

How low can a billion dollar corp go. What they did to this guy was low.If this and other type of BS is done by the "top dog" in the industry, what can be expected from the "little pup"companies most contract with. Not much.

Does Comcast really care if subs get paid? Does Comcast really care what kind of people their hinchmen use to get the job done? Does Comcast really care about anything except the bottom line? Does Comcast care that them turning a blind eye to the problems in this industry causes financial harm to hard working people and their families? My guess is the answer to all these questions is, no.

If the top dog dont care, the little pups wont either. Somethings got to be done and writing letters is a start. If you care about your trade, get involved with fixing the problems. As you can see this shadey behavior in this industry starts at the top
This is posting #183997. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: The letter will be posted Friday night then yo by Gwester843
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: The letter will be posted Friday night then yo Gwester843 1/27/2007 10:20:00 AM