Everybody wants forward production , the use of improper asbuilt maps is costing this industry greatly . If it is an asbuilt that was never updated when something was added or deleted and upon being fed into the cad it is incorrect and thus comes out incorrect and must have to be redesigned , slows forward production . Another flaw with mapping design is ,incorrect footages in the field . The worst hold up on a project is when there is alot of underground and high back to back wood fences. The cable most times has been buried before houses and fences came into the picture , thus creating a splicers nightmare. The appliance location could be anywhere if mapping has not been upgraded to the exact location of the said piece ,it could be in any one of four yards thus becoming the splicer and upgrade construction and span replacement crews night mare . Everybody wants forward production , it is extremely frustratining to the production payed man in the field to have to asorb the cost of their time to find the appliance . This also cost the entire job because its slows forward production . Time is money . The proper implimentation of what it takes to insue forward production from the inception of a project should be the consideration of quality mapping as Job # 1 . The Ducks inside looking out just trying to help this industry change . Thanks for your ear

Respectfully Jerry Whitfield
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD