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Re: Is It fact

like Don King said............ONLY IN AMERICA..........nobody can hate on this man, he was a refugee on a boat, made it here and started a company that has put food on many families tables, put Christmas presents under the tree, it what you want, but at the end of the day, I have a brand new van, gas card, free phone and I bring home (net) no less than $750 a week and NO I am not killing myself, I could make so much more if I picked up work, talked to a few people and made a few sales ($100 bucks a pop), hell if I did 4 jobs a day I would get a $300 bonus every 2 weeks, but I'm lazy I like to go home and play with my kids, $150 a day is expected, a given (6 days/week) = $900/week, sooooooo easy with no cost nothing to go to work, all I have to do is eat, pack a lunch and I'm good.........and the side money,lololololololol, all you have to do is pull out the Custom Charge sheet, show the customer what the REAL charge is from Directv and work something out with them on the side it's like taking candy from a baby, everybody wants to save a buck.........2 easy.........I'm a former cable contractor for CUMCAST, but now I don't have to worry about OLD computers not meeting specs or slow PC'S full of who knows what, no VOIP, no worrying about getting enough power to that dig box, no dead taps, no low signal on certain frequencies, reverse path, no On Demand, I provide customers with their own personal HEAD END right at their house, troubleshooting takes about 10 minutes if that, because we all know cable is glorified satellite, just a couple of real big ones feeding a a-gizillion homes, yeah I know all about nodes and what not........... I don't know I've been contracting since late 97 and you are right, there are a bunch of hacks catching a free ride stuff up for those of us who know what's really going on, the situation I'm in is a piece of cake........ usually what is wrong with Mastec is the people running THAT local's not Mastec itself........yes I have worked in Baltimore the wind up there is a trip, and those 40'ft ladders suck........but at the end of the day, installs have NEVER been easier, 2 lines suck for the DVR, but there is another wallfish in my pocket, cash money, and yes I'll probably get em for the phone line too (3 more bucks a pop for every receiver hooked to a phone), that caller ID popping up on the TV is pimpin, and we all know what the phone companies charge for a you rather order that PPV with your remote or call Directv, sit on hold, or go online to order it, remote is sooo much's so easy.......oh and by the way for you newbies, facial expressions sell it every time, " are you sure you really want..............." hahahaha.... not for everybody but what are you gonna do, go INHOUSE, nah that's ok ...........oh yeah I forgot they offer Insurance........little company you might have heard of......Blue Cross/Blue Shield.....helps out from time to time.......especially with the little ones....... just my opinion.........oh I forgot, yeah I still get paid by the job not by the hour, but here is the best part...........I still get paid for mileage when tax time comes.......lolololololololololo.......we all know what the IRS pays for I said, it's so EASY.........the best part is, those people way out in the country who don't even have the option of getting cable, they are sooooooooo grateful to see you, you are the best thing next to sliced bread, all they know is change their whole lives........WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD PEOPLE.........they love it ..........wish I had a dollar for every cup of coffee, sandwich, full plate of food, beer, etc.........easy money....... definite sense of gratification at the end of the day......yeah you get your spoiled a..holes, but that's anywhere........overall, it's better than the alternative, I don't have to worry about my own personal truck anymore, that is probably the biggest burden off my shoulders, free oil change and all, A/C in the summer, winter just leave it running all day long with the heat and radio on......lovely....oh and it is kind of nice pulling up in a company truck instead of something with a magnetic sign stuck to the side of it, makes a hell of a difference.....first impression is everything.....just my opinion....just show up on time, note your jobs within the timeframe, close the jobs by a certain time, no dispatch.....almost too easy....some calls to Directv suck, but you will never find a perfect situation, there is always I said shut the f... up or go inhouse, p.ssy .... I'll stop now
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Posted in reply to: Re: Is It fact by rmblnmn1
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Is It fact mt30ys 11/30/2006 12:00:00 AM
Re: Is It fact rmblnmn1 11/29/2006 10:20:00 PM
Re: Is It fact csecomm 11/28/2006 6:22:00 PM
Re: Is It fact Gwester843 11/28/2006 8:15:00 AM
Re: Is It fact cabledad 11/27/2006 11:31:00 PM