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Re: Yeah Primebusiness!!!

My kids and I were discussing US history and Social Security at the dinner table last night. My husband and I were telling the kids how important it is to save money and the subject of the Great Depression came into play. I used my grandparents as an example. I told them that one set of Grandparents worked until they died, while the other, lived in comfort. The difference was only that hindsight is 20/20.

My Grandfather worked in the coal mines at around 10 years old having dropped out of school to help the family of 14 in Kansas survive. His father was 100% Cherokee, while his Mother was a Scottish immigrant.

And my grandmother (his wife), who did graduate high school had to work during World War Two to support my Mother and Aunts and life was hard. She came out to California by car with her family from Texas in her teens when there was no work except picking fruit and veggies in California. People flocked here at an alarming rate with hopes that they could get a job picking fruit and maybe a dirt floor shack on the farm to live in. They were paid pennies for a long day of hard work. They were PROUD to have the opportunity especially since so many were turned away!

They wound up closing the boarders to California because everyone came out hoping for the same fortune. It sickens me that so many forget where they came from. I would be willing
to bet that many of you family members did the same.

On the other side of the family we have The Wealthy Grandparents. My Grandfather and Grandmother were from political families, college educated, and sheltered from fighting in the war, or standing in the soup line. They did not want for anything, but as Christians were very mindful that they could met the same fate, having had so many friends and family members who lost everything when the stock market crashed. They always lived within the means of an average family.

Though they could easily afford a mansion, they lived in normal sized California homes in Los Angeles, they children went to public schools and were made to work for everything they had. I can remember being a single mother with nothing and my Grandfather would not help me. It was sink or swim and I was an excellent swimmer. I thank him for that. If he had not instilled that mindset within me, I may have become a welfare mother rather than working two jobs and going to school full time, paying my way through it all. I became very resourceful and knew my resources to the penny. I made it, graduated college (on my own dime), and re-married later.

I think everyone should have to live that way. Welfare goes to more lazy Americans who refuse to work for money and at jobs that they think are beneath them. What nerve!!!!! Welfare is about as low as you can go, and to sit there and live on it when you could be working your way up to the level you think you should be at, is despicable. At least some people are hungry enough to take the work instead. People who wont just love to blame someone else so they blame the immigrants.

It takes a lot more character to say, I screwed up my own life and I am going to do whatever I can to change things for the better, then to sit at home and say the Mexicans are taking all the jobs and there is nothing left for me to do and I wont do it anyway because it is beneath me. Sorry about the rambling......thats just how I feel.

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Posted in reply to: Re: Yeah Primebusiness!!! by cablewolf214
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Yeah Primebusiness!!! lostintx 11/17/2006 7:59:00 PM
Re: Yeah Primebusiness!!! ocffactor 11/17/2006 3:47:00 PM